Exact Same Files and 100% Original !

WooCommerce Instagram Shopping Feeds is a plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple the formation of feeds with products from your WooCommerce. With it, you can configure the formation of feeds that you use to upload and update products in your Instagram Shopping, through catalogs in Facebook Business Manager.

WooCommerce - Instagram Shopping Feeds
WooCommerce – Instagram Shopping Feeds


  • Ability to create multiple feeds.
  • Support xml (rss/atom) and csv.
  • When creating a feed, it is possible to choose from which categories to use products or vice versa from which categories to not use.
  • Fields: id, title, link, description, image_link, availability, price, brand.
  • Support set template for `id` parameter.
  • Support set brand name for `brand` parameter.
  • Support set `utm` params for links to products in the feed.
  • Image previews.

Download Now WooCommerce – Instagram Shopping Feeds at WPPremiumFree.com for $4.48 or Free For Member Club. You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original author. If you buy on wppremiumfree.com, you can save your money up to 99% and 100% virus free.

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GPL 2.0







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WooCommerce – Instagram Shopping Feeds - WooCommerce Instagram Shopping Feeds v1.0.0 Download Now
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Last Update: February 3, 2024
Relased: January 23, 2024
license GPL 2.0
Updates Instant
Version v1.0.0
Author Codecanyon