Exact Same Files and 100% Original !

WPPremiumFree.com – Diaz – Hotel Booking WordPress is a WordPress Plugin being distributed by Themeforest.

A luxury beyond compare. Diaz is a magnificent theme that is suitable for 5-star hotels and other luxurious resorts.Every inch oozing with luxury and splendor, Diaz Theme is your best bet for hotel management. Integrated with the WP Hotel Booking Plugin, Diaz solves your entire booking system efficiently.

Diaz - Hotel Booking WordPress

Accept payments in multiple currencies with 4 payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net and offline payments, Diaz is a great hotel management suite theme. Not only rooms booking, Diaz would solve your entire requirements of customer management, coupon, pricing plans, extra packages and blocking special dates apart from providing multilingual support.

Download Now Diaz – Hotel Booking WordPress at WPPremiumFree.com for $4.48 or Free For Member Club. You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original author. If you buy on wppremiumfree.com, you can save your money up to 99% and 100% virus free.

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GPL 2.0







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Diaz – Hotel Booking WordPress - Diaz - Hotel Booking WordPress v2.6 by Themeforest Download Now
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Last Update: February 3, 2024
Relased: January 23, 2024
license GPL 2.0
Updates Instant
Version v2.6
Author Themeforest