Exact Same Files and 100% Original !

WPPremiumFree.com – Fast Slider is a wordpress plugin being distributed by Codecanyon. Fast Slider allows you to build your slider in 1 minute. You can choose from 30+ demos available and import all demos in few step.they are ready to use.
Fast Slider - Easy and Fast Slider Plugin for WordPress

Fast Slider – Easy and Fast Slider Plugin for WordPress Features :

  • Easy and Fast. Save your time
  • 3 Types of transitions: fade, horizontal, vertical
  • 20+ Slider Demos ready to use
  • Custom Color
  • 100+ effects
  • 7 Button Types
  • Easy configuration
  • And many more. Check official website for more info

Download Now Fast Slider – Easy and Fast Slider Plugin for WordPress at WPPremiumFree.com. You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original author. If you buy on wppremiumfree.com, you can save your money up to 99% and 100% virus free.

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GPL 2.0







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Fast Slider – Easy and Fast Slider Plugin for WordPress 1.0 - Fast Slider - Easy and Fast - Slider Plugin for WordPress v1.0 by Codecanyon Free Download
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  • 0 Ratings


Last Update: February 3, 2024
Relased: January 23, 2024
license GPL 2.0
Updates Instant
Version v1.0
Author Codecanyon